26-27 May 2025

Monday, May 13, 2024

Conferences and Round Tables

  • 10:00 Opening of the Exhibition doors to visitors
  • 10:45 - 11:00 Opening speech by Florentin Letissier, Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of social and solidarity economy, circular economy, and contribution to zero waste strategy 🇫🇷
  • 11:00 - 11:45 by GS1 No traceability, no reuse ? Create the standards to succeed in scaling up🇫🇷Speakers: Stéphane Cren – Strategic planner | GS1 France, Eric Ballot - professor at the École des Mines de Paris, Alexis Dusanter, Co-founder | Bocoloco
  • 11:45 - 12:30 by Rcube Reuse: Regulatory Overview and Public Policy Challenges 🇫🇷Speakers: Véronique Riotton: Member of Parliament, co-rapporteur of the AGEC law, Benoît Varin - President | RCube, Eric Vésine - Associate Director of the Supervision Department for Extended Producer Responsibility Schemes | ADEME
  • 12:30 - 13:00 by Nielsen Trends in bulk and reuse consumption🇫🇷Speaker: Nicolas Riant - Associate Manager | Nielsen
  • 13:00 - 13:45 by New Era The elephant in the room: how to increase consumer uptake of reusable packaging? 🇬🇧Speakers: Laure Castagnino, Head of Insights and Responsible Marketing Consulting | CITEO, Sofie Martine Dideriksen - Behavioural analyst | bro, Rosemarie Wuite - Business Developer | Searious Business, Stuart Chidley - Co-Founder | Reposit
  • 13:45 - 14:00 Break
  • 14:00 - 14:45 by Réseau Vrac et Réemploi Reuse in the food service sector🇫🇷Speakers: Julie HANOT - Associate Director | CGDD, Charlotte Gamaury - Engineer specialized in Packaging Reuse and Substitution | ADEME, Foucauld BASCHET - Project Manager Collective catering | CITEO PRO, David BOUVET - Director of Hotel, Catering, and Commercial Services Division | Parc Astérix, Gilbert BRANCHET - CEO | SEMELOG
  • 14:45- 15:15 by inOff Plastic Reuse Barometer: What is the current maturity of reusable packaging ventures across Europe? 🇬🇧Speaker: François Chartier-Katsler - Co-Founder | InOff Plastic
  • 15:15 - 16:00 by New ERA and Tomra Glass half full or half empty: Will the PPWR be the game changer the reuse industry expected ? 🇬🇧Speakers: Axel Darut - Public Affairs Associate | Minderoo Foundation, Eliza Druta, representative | Reusable Packaging Europe, Tobias Bielenstein - Director Public Affairs, Sustainability & Communications | GDB, Catherine Chabaud - MEP | Renew Europe
  • 16:00 - 16:45 by CORPLEX Rethinking Transport Packaging: Unveiling the Potential of Reusables 🇬🇧Speakers: Shu Zhang - Co-founder and CEO | Pandobac, Magalie Peralba - Innovation Manager | Corplex, David Esteban, Founder and CEO | Retoornado, Matthias Höfer| CEO at Circular Logistics
  • 16:45 - 17:30 by Leko Turning reuse into a fully-fledged industry 🇫🇷Speakers: Philippe Reutenauer - expert packaging, Nicolas Dechambre - CEO | Club Maté France, Cécile Forgues, Co-Gérante | Alpes Consigne, Melchior de Roquemaurel: animator | Consigne & Réemploi en BFC
  • 18:00 Closing of the Exhibition doors to visitors

New: the Masterclasses